Would you like to spend some quality time in nature birdwatching? Discover some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region while observing and learning about the local bird population.
Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher, or a beginner with little experience, we have the right tour and equipment for you.

Come and discover nature in its splendor in the Ria Formosa Nature Park.

In this activity we will travel through different habitats such as salt pans, pine forests, scrubland, coastal lagoons and mudflats on the banks of the Ria Formosa. The time of year determines which birds can be spotted in these areas and include:
Crested Lark, Stilt, Greater Flamingo, Shelduck, Avocet, Kentish Plover, Marsh Harrier, Zitting Cisticola, Sardinian Warbler, Purple Heron, Gadwall, Little Grebe, Pochard, Shoveler, Red-Crested Pochard, Glossy Ibis , Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Bittern, Purple Gallinule, Moorhen, Coot, Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Sanderling, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Black-tailed-Godwit, Wimbrel, Spoonbill, Redshank, Greenshank, Sandpiper, Turnstone, Black-headed Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Audouin’s Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Sandwich Tern, Little Tern, Hoopoe, Kingfisher, Barn Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow , White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Bee-eater, Stonechat, Mistle Thrush, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, Serin, Pied Flycatcher, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Woodchat Shrike, Iberian Magpie, Spotless Starling, Black-headed Weaver, Waxbill, Greenfinch, Siskin, Corn Bunting etç
Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Purple Swamp-hen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

The Ria Formosa is located in the Algarve, in the southernmost part of Portugal. It is a wetland formed by a 60 km line of sandy barrier islands that run almost parallel to the coast. The Ria Formosa shelters a lagoon containing a labyrinth of channels, sand banks, marshes, mudflats, islets and saltpans. Part of the lagoon system is permanently submerged, while a significant percentage emerges during low tide. The combination of the changing tides and the low depth of the waters, allow the existence of a great biodiversity of crustaceans, cephalopod molluscs, gastropod molluscs, bivalve molluscs, annelids and fish, as well as their main predators: the birds.

The Ria formosa is classified as a Wetland of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention. It is an integral part of the ZPE (Special Protection Zone) of the Natura 2000 Network, has an IBA (Important Area for Birds and Biodiversity) qualification according to the criteria of BirdLife International and was constituted as a Natural Park of Portugal in 1987.

  • Duration: Half day

  • Price: 40€/pax

  • Duration: Full day

  • Price: 70€/pax

Includes :

  • Birdwatching guide

  • Binoculars

  • Telescope

  • Birds Field guide

  • Fauna and Flora Field guides

  • Transport

  • Insurances

  • Taxes

Timing recommendation: All year round

This activity is suitable for visitors staying in Olhão / Faro area.
Visitors staying outside of this area, an alternative meeting point will be arranged.